Coming from a Ruby background it took me a while to wrap my head around what
Stream and
Enum really are. It's far too easy to think about them as a generalized version of a Ruby Array.
At their heart, they are both tools for composing functions.
Let's start with Enum, in most object style languages enumerators support an "each" method
that allows you to operate one at a time on members of the collection.
Enum looks quite different at first. It requires that the collection implement these basic functions.
None of these looks like an "each" method[1].
All the Enum functions do is use these 3 basic functions to provide handy shortcuts for
using the reduce function of the original collection. Unlike a typical "each" method in Ruby,
an Enum function can bail out at any time. For example, look at the implementation for
def all?(collection, fun) do
Enumerable.reduce(collection, {:cont, true}, fn(entry, _) ->
if fun.(entry), do: {:cont, true}, else: {:halt, false}
end) |> elem(1)
Like most of the functions in Enum, it's using the collection's reduce function to implement a specific kind of reduction. In effect it's a composition of functions. It's also "lazy" in the sense that it only iterates as far as it has to generate the correct result. It's important to note that Enumerable implements a different reduce function than the standard one in Enum. ( The accumulator variable must return a tuple consisting of status and "real" accumulator. )
Now let's consider the case of Stream. What it does is very similar to Enum, except that it doesn't
actually execute the reduce function. In effect it creates an anonymous function for transforming the
collection into another collection. You can use this "dynamic" collection anyplace you can use a regular collection.
iex(9)> foo = 1..10 |> fn(x) -> x * 2 end )
#Stream<[enum: 1..10,
funs: [#Function<45.113986093/1 in>]]>
iex(10)> foo |> Enum.max
iex(11)> foo |> Enum.min
iex(12)> foo |> Enum.take(1)
iex(13)> foo |> Enum.take(3)
[2, 4, 6]
The important thing to note from this example is that the a collection defined by Stream does not imply state. It behaves just like a normal collection and is just as immutable. Every time you use it
it starts at the beginning. The decision about when to use a Stream or Enum is should be based on the tradeoffs of storing the collection verses creating it runtime. One difference that is important to note is that Stream only supports using reduce, using count or member directly from Enumerable will fail. Looking at the code for Enum.count we see how you can use reduce to
emulate these functions.
def count(collection) do
case Enumerable.count(collection) do
{:ok, value} when is_integer(value) ->
{:error, module} ->
module.reduce(collection, {:cont, 0}, fn
_, acc -> {:cont, acc + 1}
end) |> elem(1)
[1]- It's simple enough to create an "each" from a reduce once you've played around with enough
examples of reduce.