iex> :crypto.hash(:sha256,!("./known_hosts.txt")) |> Base.encode16 "97368E46417DF00CB833C73457D2BE0509C9A404B255D4C70BBDC792D248B4A2"
But there reaches a point were the file size is large enough that loading the whole contents in memory isn't performant and in some cases not feasible. My next idea was to use!
iex>!("./known_hosts.txt") |>
fn(line, acc) -> :crypto.hash_update(acc,line) end ) |>
:crypto.hash_final |> Base.encode16
However there is still a problem with this in that it assumes the file has appropriate line endings. For a cryptographic hash it makes more sense to divide up the file into equal byte length chunks.!/3 has two default arguements, modes and lines_or_bytes, if you want to stream in by byte_length use this form.
iex>!("./known_hosts.txt",[],2048) |> Enum.reduce(:crypto.hash_init(:sha256),
fn(line, acc) -> :crypto.hash_update(acc,line) end ) |> :crypto.hash_final |> Base.encode16 "97368E46417DF00CB833C73457D2BE0509C9A404B255D4C70BBDC792D248B4A2"
Now the interesting question becomes is there an optimal byte size to use for this hashing? STAY TUNED...